
"My approach to solving design problems is unique because my background and experiences are unique"

My UX Origin Story
Believe it or not UX Design is my third career. My first was Finance which drew me in with its critical thinking and analytical aspects but yet I never felt quite "at flow". The second was Psychology, which saw me gaining a Psychology degree whilst working full-time and also volunteering within various Mental Health organisations. Although this was fulfilling, I missed the critical thinking skills I applied within Finance. 
The pandemic gave me the space for reflection and exploration which led me to taking part in a Hackathon to apply the rudimentary coding skills I’d been teaching myself. The user-centric language used by the team UX Designer really struck a chord with me and after much research in to UX Design, I was inspired to join a Bootcamp in early 2020.
Life after Bootcamp
Bootcamp taught me the UX fundamentals but I needed more practical experience. Through networking, I spent the remainder of 2020 in 3  consecutive freelancing/internship opportunities. It was an exhilarating period of steep learning curves - whether it was designing games to improve the networking skills of a target audience, designing a Landing page or validating an MVP, I sought every opportunity to learn and develop my skills as a designer. 
Transition and Beyond
2021 brought my complete transition to UX as a mid- weight Designer within Avast. I've experimented within Squads, advocated for Accessible design and introduced the Google HEART framework to our UXD team.  It’s been a delightful rollercoaster of growth and I’m looking forward to what else is on the horizon.
Check out my Resume for more details on the skills and tools I've picked up along my UX journey.
Get in touch, let's create something!
(or coffee-chatting about Immersive experiences, sci-fi, comic books, travelling or Man v Food challenges;-)
Thank you!
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